Saturday, July 14, 2012

Film 7: David/Schama

Q1. Schama approached David with a little bit more seriousness in his research as well as his music for the youtube video.  It seems as if Schama likes to study and explore Europe for his paintings. It also appeared that he likes a good "mystery". He also focuses on the French Revolution and its attacks in Pais.  David and Caravaggio are similar in two ways, the first is assinations. Both paintings by David and Caravaggio have to do with murders and assinations during the French Revoluton.  And the second is the lighting for the paintings. The lighting of the paintings give off this dramatic and intense look.

Q2. I am somewhat disturbed, but yet curious about this picture. Seal Paul Marat was assinated in his bath tub. I am curious as to why someone would murder someone in his or her bath tub. But I guess everyone has their preference and reason why. Sean Paul looks peaceful in this painting. Schama described it as " beautiful and a guilty secret". Sean's face looks relieved as if he doesn't have to carry on anymore burden about anything he has done. The lighting looks dark, especially behind Sean, but in other aspects it looks very bright by the bath tub. It looks like he was reading some kind of letter or piece of paper. Or maybe he could be writing something to someone. Maybe he was writing a confession of some sort.

Q3. David seems to be a little bit of both "good guy" and a "bad guy". His paintings are representing life in its truest form, but at the same time he shows an infatuation with mystery, murder, and assinations. According Schama, " David's paintings were never meant to be shown off as gallory paintings, they are meant to show the entire of meaning of life".

Question for discussion: What do you think David was trying to convey in his paintings? And why is Schama so fascinated by David's paintings?


  1. I think Schama was fascinated by Davids paintings because they are different. Davids paintings offer a story or mystery. He portrays real life tragedies. Davids paintings can be dark and scary.

    1. I agree his paintings do seem to revolve around dark, scary and tragedies but it almost seems like he does it in a mystery puzzle theme. Like find all the painting puzzles and you can solve the mystery type of theme.
