Sunday, July 15, 2012

Film 9: Civilization/Collings

Q1. Matthew Collings is a British art critic, writer and broadcaster. Collings is the producer and presenter for BBC The Late Show in 1989-1995. He also wrote documentaries films for Donald Judd, Georgia O'Kieeffe, etc. After leaving BBC Collings wrote and presented channel 4 TV series This is Modern Art which in return won him the Bafta award and many other awards.

Q2. A wide range of art history because these historians that he mentions such as Goya, David, Hockney, and so on are painters who express their true spirit of experiences of civilization in their paintings. It shows their feelings and thoughts of what the people were feeling at the time. It has been said by Collings that " what they are painting could be the way the world is going to be lived in the future". That civilization is the only way people are going to live a full life. I like Collings because he seems more down to earth, real life, the other artists have a sense of reality, but they also give off a "fake life" impression.

Q3. I think that our generation will be the "Facebook" generation. Because of the internet and technology advancing so rapidly, people will not have the communication or civilization with others unless its through a text message, laptop, email, or networks like Facebook, Myspace, or Twitter. Since all of this began, everyone has been communicating on an impersonal level. Its easier for people to communicate through via text, email, Facebook, rather than call the person or talk to       face-to-face, or even go visit the person and communicate that way. Years ago growing up thats how people would communicate by visiting their friends and family. Civilization is going to be the internet in the future.

The new wave of the future.

1 comment:

  1. There isn't a discussion question posted, but I thought I'd comment on your answer to question three. Isn't facebook one of those things that everyone loves to hate? I find it interesting that while almost everyone I know has complained numerous times about something on facebook, or something someone said on facebook, yet they all continue to go on facebook, myself included. I wonder what it is about social networking that addicts people in this way..
